«Digital Barcodes for Embedding» plugin for Wordpress is published.

«Digital Barcodes for Embedding» plugin for Wordpress is published.

By Dmitry Vasilev
Dec 17, 2020


While we have been adding features and improving "Barcode Label Printing" plugin we have been receiving a lot of requests from our clients to develop a plugin which would allow to generate and embed barcodes directly on product pages, emails, orders or any other places on a website.

And after 3 months of development we finally published a first version of "Digital Barcodes for Embedding" which works with WooCommerce. If you find our plugin interesting but it doesn't have some functionality you need - contact us and we will be glad to implement any new features.

I want to thank all our clients who were involved in plugin development and to those who shared with us ideas, explained business workflow, so we could have a better understanding how plugin should work.

Best Regards,
Dmitry V.

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