Export JomSocial Users to Excel or CSV File
Filter & Download users with any JomSocial custom fields

  • Allows to export any user data fields into Excel or CSV file.
  • Export any data from JomSocial component like address, phone or birthday.
  • Find and Filter users by any criteria before exporting them.
This component can export users from:
  • Joomla: Id, Name, Username, Password, Email, Params, Block, Send Email, Register Date, Last Visit Date, Activation, Last Reset Time, Reset Count, User Groups, etc.
  • Joomla Fields: any custom field created with Joomla User Fields feature.
  • JomSocial component. Any fields created in JomSocial, like Phone, Skype, Social Security Number, etc.
into Excel or CSV file.

The main features of "Export JomSocial Users" are:

  • Export users who belong to a specific group(s).
  • Select only certain fields(e.g. Name, Email and Last Visit Date) to be exported. By default all fields are exported.
  • Order / sort columns in file (just drug and drop columns).
  • Choose export users either into Excel or CSV file.
  • "Profile" feature is created to save your time, if you require to export users regularly. Select preferred settings/filters and click "Save Profile" button. Later you can start downloading file by a single click on Profile in "Download Profiles" tab. Also you can create as much profiles as needed.
  • Custom CSV separator. Data exported in CSV file is separated with ";" symbol. You can change this symbol to any other in "Options".
  • Grant / limit access to export component. Do you need to permit some User Groups (e.g. Editor group) to have access to "Export Users" component ? - Use "Options" button, then go to "Permissions" tab.
  • Advanced Joomla Filters. Just click “Add Filters” button to begin filtering by Joomla fields. For example, export all users registered previous month and users who are not blocked.
  • NEW*: Download Personal Data - each user can download his personal data in CSV/Excel format. You can specify fields, fields' order, etc. that user will see in downloaded file. Check more details in FAQ section.
  • Export up to 100 000 users per file with Business and Premium versions.
Buying our export extension, you will also get:
  • Free updates for 3 months, notifications of new features, fixes & updates.
  • 3 months support via Email, Skype or TeamViewer.
  • Unfortunately it is not possible to export plain passwords. Joomla store passwords in encrypted way using special cryptographic algorithms, so even Joomla doesn’t know them. But encrypted passwords can be used to move users from one Joomla to another.
    Notice: Joomla 1.5 and 3.x use different cryptographic algorithms, so they are incompatible.
  • CSV - Comma Separated Value is a very simple and lite file format.

    As you know MS Excel supports a lot of features like text colors, cell styles, inserting charts and images, etc... CSV format is a very simple and can contain only text data. For example if you create Excel sheet and write "yellow" text, CSV format will save only text but information about color will be lost.

  • Please follow next steps:

    1. You need to create Profile. A profile - it's saved template with selected export settings. You can use it to download users later by clicking on Profile name in "Download Profiles" tab.

    2. Afterwards please go to "Website Profile(s) Share" and select User Groups and/or Users that should be able to download the Profile. And click "Save" button.

    3. Go to Menus. Create new menu and select its type using "Menu Item Type" field. Popup with menu types will appear, click on "Export Users ..." and then on "Download Profiles". Then "Save" menu. Go to frontend, login under user that should have access to it and download users.

  • Please follow next steps:

    1. You need to create Profile. A profile - it's saved template with selected export settings.

    2. Go to Menus. Create a new menu and select its type using "Menu Item Type" field. Popup with menu types will appear, click on "Export Users ..." and then on "Download Personal Data". Then "Save" menu. Go to frontend, login under any user and download file.

  • You need to send email to us and provide us with details:

    1. How to reproduce bug
    2. Screenshots of bug
    3. Best way to describe the problem is to create video (you can use software like Jing)

    If you subscribed to support, you can count on fast update (1-2 work days)

  • Unfortunately Auto updater is not available for this extension.
    To get the latest version of import you need:
    1. Go to our website: www.UkrSolution.com
    2. Login and go to "My Products" menu.
    3. Here you will find all your extensions and can download them.

  • If you need some additional fetures, there are 2 ways:

    1. Send us email about new feature, and we will try to implement it in next version. As we receiving a lot of suggestions some of them can be rejected.
    2. We can create special release for you, in a short time, with all improvements you need for separate payment. Please contact us to know more about it.
  • Contact form on our web-site: https://www.ukrsolution.com/ContactUs

Related plugins:

Import users to JomSocial from Excel or CSV file

Import JomSocial Users
Migrate users with any JomSocial data, all types of custom fields are supported

1.6 1.7 2.5 3.x 4.x


Export Preview Save Export Profiles Export Users to Joomla step 3 Export Users to Joomla step 3

Joomla versions:

1.6 1.7 2.5 3 4 5
Version: 3.4.15
payment security
payment security

Related plugins

Import JomSocial Users

Import JomSocial Users

Write your question or comment:

8 Comments Login
1 year ago

Would you consider an option to export in JSON or XML format?
Also, it would be nice if this service could be exposed as an API

5 years ago

New version 3.4.1 has been released.

5 years ago

I would also like the option to be able to SORT (ORDER BY ASC or DESC) the output by a specific column before downloading the data. Now it is necessary to do this afterwards in excel, but for CSV consumers without excel very nasty.

5 years ago

Hello, our export doesn't have sort feature. You will need to use Excel or similar apps like Open Office or Libre Office that are free to use.

5 years ago

Hi Julia, thx for reply, I know it's not available, but my request is to add this feature to a next release. It would be very helpful for more users, avoiding post-processing on the output with another tool. Most data-consumers are simply not able to.

5 years ago

Hi Jan, current core of Export tool was designed without this feature in mind. So it will be quite problematic to add this right now. I'll talk to our Export specialist and we'll see what can we do about this.

5 years ago

Is it possible to ORDER BY ASC or DESC by a specific column or is it always the same order things are exported in?

5 years ago

Hello, our export has "filter" feature but no "order by".

However (if it is possible in your case) you can make "order by" easily already in MS Excel: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/e...
