Print Barcode Labels for WooCommerce Products
Print labels for products, orders, users and promocodes

  • Print barcode labels for products, categories, orders, forms, etc.
  • Support of all printer types - Roll/Thermal, A4, Letter, P4 and any others.
  • Add any WooCommerce fields and attributes on labels.
Managing an extensive inventory with hundreds or thousands of products can be complicated and time-consuming task, often leading to errors such as incorrect shipments. This plugin offers a sophisticated solution to enhance operational efficiency by utilizing barcode labels for products and orders.

These barcode labels can be seamlessly scanned using a barcode scanner or a mobile application, simplifying the management process. Once a barcode label is affixed to a product or order, there is no longer a need to memorize details about the item. Simply scan the label using a scanner or mobile application, and all product or order information will be easly available.

Main features:

  • Full integration with WooCommerce, supporting product variations, attributes, and custom fields
  • Flexibility to generate labels based on products, categories, orders, users, promocodes or manually
  • Supported barcodes: GS1 family, GTIN, UPC-A/E, EAN-13/8, QRCode, CODE128, Data Matrix, CODE39, etc.
  • Compatibility of all barcodes with scanners or mobile apps across iOS, Android, and Windows platforms
  • Capability to add additional data on labels such as Name, Price, SKU/UPC/EAN, static texts and more
  • Support for various printer types including A4, Letter, P4 and Roll/Thermal printers
  • Support a commonly used label sheets and the option to create custom label sheet layouts
  • Feature to produce barcodes corresponding to "Stock quantity".
  • Possibility to design personalized labels with specific layouts, texts, and images (Business & Premium plans)
  • Ability to include multiple barcodes on a single label (Business & Premium plans)
  • Integration support for plugins such as "Contact Form 7", "Flamingo", ATUM and others.
  • "Tiered Price Table" support in the custom label template editor (Business & Premium plans)
  • API: API support for integration with third-party plugins and custom solutions available (Premium plan)
This plugin is expertly designed to make inventory management smoother and more reliable, enabling businesses to focus on growth and customer satisfaction.

Supported printers

By default plugin supports next printers:

  • Letter printers (8.5 × 11.0 in)
  • A4 printers (210 × 297 mm)
  • P4 printers (8.5×11.0in / 215×280mm)
  • Roll / Thermal printers from leading brands such as DYMO, Zebra, Brother, Arkscan, MFLABEL, ROLLO, BCL, TEROW and others
The plugin's design boasts remarkable flexibility, accommodating 99.9% of printers available in the market. For those utilizing rare or less common printer types, the plugin allows for the customization of paper or label sizes, ensuring readiness for any printing requirement.

For new purchasers still selecting a printer, we recommend DYMO 450 printers for their superior compatibility with browsers, excellent print quality, and ease of use. Additionally, ensure to select the appropriate labels size to meet your needs.

Support Note: Should any issues arise during printer configuration, assistance is readily available across all subscription plans. Our technicians can provide help via remote access tools such as TeamViewer, AnyDesk, or other screen-sharing software, to facilitate troubleshooting and ensure smooth operation.

«Basic» label template

The "Basic" label template serves as the foundational element of the plugin. It facilitates the creation of a variety of label designs incorporating both barcodes and text elements. With "Basic" template you can achieve the most common label layouts. A few examples of how labels may look like with using "Basic" label template:
Label appearance will vary based on the barcode type used and the quantity of text you wish to have on the label. The "Basic" template supports the addition of up to four lines of text. These lines can include any product details such as product name, price, SKU, color, size, order id, address or other relevant fields. For those who require additional lines of text/data or seeking more sophisticated label designs, the use of "Custom Label Template" is recommended. "Custom Label Template" gives greater flexibility and customization to meet specific labeling needs.

Custom label templates for Business & Premium clients

The plugin offers the capability to craft highly personalized labels that align with your store's branding or to develop complex label designs. This customization is achievable through the "Label Template Editor" available within the plugin. This editor enables the addition of various design elements including your shop logo, diverse text options, and an unlimited number of product custom fields and attributes to your labels.

For those subscribed to the Premium plan, support is included for the development of these customized labels. We encourage you to contact us to discuss your specific label requirements, and we will assist you in creating a label that perfectly fits your needs.

The Business plan also includes the Template Editor, which empowers your web-developers to craft custom labels using the provided documentation. Initially, the plugin is equipped with five custom templates, but you have the flexibility to create an unlimited number of additional templates.
  • "Example 1 - Barcode + Logo" demonstrates a label featuring a static image and text
  • "Example 2 - QRCode" shows a label with a QR Code
  • "Example 3 - QRCode + Product Image" displays a label that combines a product image with a QR Code
  • "Example 4 - Vertical Barcode" presents a label with a vertical orientation of the barcode
  • "Example 5 - Custom Fields & Attributes" illustrates a label that utilizes a wide array of shortcodes.
These examples serve as a foundational guide to assist you in designing your bespoke labels using HTML markup.

Barcode types

This plugin is compatible with the most commonly used barcode types. To better understand their distinctions and characteristics, let's examine each one in more detail:
CODE-128 - Use this barcode type for custom SKU numbers or any other internal product numeration of your products. There are no specific requirements for this barcode format. Any length and any symbols (128 different chars) can be used for CODE128. So, if your codes look like Cap7-NY-Red or 000022 then CODE128 is the best match for you. You don't need to buy codes in order to use CODE128.

QR-Code - This is a modern type of barcode which is widely used in a lot of areas - from mobile devices to stock inventory. Looks different compared to common barcodes but supports any chars/data (even links) you need to create a barcode. You even can add to QRCode SKU, Product Name, Price & attributes at the same time, so you can get back this info simply by scanning QRCode with your phone. Like CODE128 it is free to use.

UPC-A (or just UPC) - "Universal Product Code" is a worldwide registry of unique products, consists of 12 digits. In order to use it you need to buy your own UPC code first - you can't just come up with a code (for this you can use CODE128 code). The price for UPC is between $0.10 and $5.00 - there are a lot of websites where you can buy it.

UPC-E - It is a short version of UPC-A, consists of 6-8 numeric digits. This code also should be purchased in order to use it.

EAN-13 / IAN / ISBN - Originally “European Article Number”, but now renamed as IAN “International Article Number” - consists of 13 numeric digits. The idea is the same as UPC. EAN also is a worldwide register of products but created in Europe. To use EAN you need to buy it first.

EAN-8 - Short version of EAN, consists of 8 numeric digits. You need to buy EAN8 codes before using them.

CODE39 - Similar to CODE128, but supports only 39 different chars. Use CODE39 only if you have to. Using of CODE128 is preferable as CODE128 format looks sharper after label printing, so they are easier for scanners to read.

Data Matrix - Another 2D barcode. Similar to QRCode and can be used for storing large amount of text data and even links. DataMatrix limited by 2335 alphanumeric characters, which is more then enough in the most cases. Compared to QRCode, DataMatrix with the same data will be smaller in size, so if you need 2D barcode on a very small label - DataMatrix actually can be a better solution compared to QRCode.


API is used for integration this barcode generation plugin with any third party plugin or software. So, it will be possible to print labels using data from any other data source and make label pre processing. It also allows to create your own shortcodes for label template and replace them with required data.

JavaScript API:

It allows you to use JavaScript in order to activate labels preview and to add barcodes. Adding barcodes will be done only inside browser and there won't be any interaction with WooCommerce. We recommend to use JavaScript API only if you don't use WooCommerce at all (otherwise use PHP API).

Creating 1 label with extra text lines:
		'[line1]':'Product name', 
		'[line2]':'Color: Red',
}).then(data=>{ // Callback
"barcodeImageData" - Specify value for barcode image
"format" - Supported barcode types: CODE128, CODE39, QRCODE, DATAMATRIX, EAN13, EAN8, UPCA, UPCE
"replacements" - allows you to replace "lines" with specific values for "Adaptive" label template. Allows to replace any shortcodes for custom label templates.

To show user a printing preview:;
To remove all labels from the preview:
Creating a lot of labels (better performance for large amount of labels):
var batch = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
        barcodeImageData: "barcode-" + i, 
            '[line1]': "text1", 
            '[line2]': "text2", 
            '[line3]': "text3", 
            '[line4]': "text4"
ProductLabelsPrinting.addLabelsBatch(batch, "C128");

JavaScript "afterRender" label event

JavaScript "afterRender" event allows you to do post processing by JavaScript for each label user create. So, created label may have extra dynamic behaviour. Specify afterRender JS code in "Settings"->"JavaScript" tab. Use "jQuery(label)" to get access to label object.


PHP API can be used for pre processing labels before they rendered on front-end, so you can add texts or modify HTML of labels. PHP API implemented with common Wordpress hook function called "add_filter()".

To get more specific information about PHP API - use our example file which is called "api-example.php" and located in plugin folder. Copy example file to the /wp-content/uploads/product-labels-printing/api.php and this file will be automatically loaded by plugin. PHP API allows you to create your own "shortcodes" which you can add to label templates and they will be replaced with values you fetch in api.php file.
Note: it is not necessary to create api.php as you can put its code in functions.php or any other place you like.

In api-example.php you can see creation of 2 new shorcodes which will be replaced with hardcoded values. Of course you will need to replace harcoded values with your own code. Use information from $item array to get item id and pull additional info from your database.


WooCommerce users already have "Generate Barcode" buttons on product pages - our plugin creates them. However if instead of WooCommerce you use some third party plugin or custom developed functionality you might need instructions how to create "create label" buttons and make them compatible with our plugin.

There are two types of buttons:

Single label button - for creation of one label at the time.
It can be used on inner page of item. If user presses it, barcode plugin activates and suggests to create label for this one specific product. This button also should contain information about the item id by using "data-item-id" attribute:

<button class="barcode-products-generation-button" data-item-id="5">Create label</button>

Note: CSS class name can be changed in plugin settings, so it may differ.

Multiple labels button - for multiple labels creation.
It can be used on "Item list" pages (like "Posts" page) where user can select a few items with checkboxes and create labels for all of them at the same time. For such button you need to use similar HTML code but without "data-item-id" attribute:

<button class="barcode-products-generation-button">Create labels</button>

Note: CSS class name can be changed in plugin settings, so it may differ.

Beside button you also need to add "barcode-products-selector" CSS class for checkboxes, so our plugin could find them and read their values (item ids). This is an example of how your checkboxes may look like:

<input type="checkbox" class="barcode-products-selector" value="5"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="barcode-products-selector" value="6"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="barcode-products-selector" value="7"/>

Note: CSS class name can be changed in plugin settings, so it may differ.
  • This plugin is flexible and allows to work with any kind of labels. You can simply specify sizes of your paper/label in "mm" or "inch" and plugin will be ready to print them.

  • Due to flexibility of plugin, it support 99.99% of printers. Beside common A4/Letter printers plugin also supports roll/thermal printers like DYMO, Zebra, Brother, Arkscan, MFLABEL, ROLLO, BCL, TEROW and others. If you still deciding which printer to buy, we would recommend DYMO printers as they are easiest in configuration and maintenance.

  • Plugin allows to print any labels which are supported by DYMO printers.
    Please watch video tutorial on how to add custom label size.

  • Business plan allows to create customized and stylized labels. For this you will need to create custom label template which you can customize in any way you need.

  • There are 2 ways to do it:
    1. Set barcode height to "0%" in label settings and barcode will dissapear (works for basic template).
    2. Create fully customized label template with all information you need.

  • Looks like you use Mac OS and Safari browser. The problem is that Safari extracts all downloaded zip files automatically. You need to disable it, you can do it in Safari->Preferences and disable option "Open 'safe' files after downloading".

  • Wordpress removes only plugin files. It means that plugin configuration won't be removed from database, so it can be used in future.
    If you decide to install plugin again - all plugin configuration will be the same - before plugin was removed.

  • In order to update plugin you need simply remove old version and install a new one. All setting will be transfered to new version without any additional actions from your side.

  • By default plugin allows to display on barcode 2 attributes/custom fields. For this you need to match "Text1" and "Text2" fields on "Import" popup with specific attribute or custom field. To use 3 or more attributes/custom fields on barcode you will have to create new barcode template and by using shortcodes like [attr=gcolor] or [cf=_regular_price] specify where they should be placed. The value for shortcode might look different, like "tshirt_size", "upc_code" or "my_custom_field". Usually name of custom field or attribute is specified in plugin/place where it was created.

  • Before printing it's very important to get to know your printer a little bit better, especially we need to know if printer can print without page margins.

    The right way to do it is to read technical documentation about your printer (or find it in google) but if you lost documentation or can't find in google there is another way.

    Print this PDF page and compare if it looks the same as on PDF. If page border doesn't look the same - your printer might not support border-free printing or you didn't check this option in print settings popup.

  • It's ok, actually most of printers can't do it. You just need to use label sheets with page margins.

    Here is example of label sheet (40 labels per page) with page margins.

  • Yes, you can save all labels as PDF document, so you will be able to print them later.

Related plugins:

Barcode Scanner
Inventory manager, Order Fulfillment system, Point of Sale (POS)

Barcode Generator
Generate and display barcodes on pages, emails, invoices and posts

EAN/UPC Generator & Importer
Assign UPC/EAN codes for your WooCommerce products


Barcode generator for WordPress screenshot 1 Barcode generator for WordPress screenshot 2 Barcode generator for WordPress screenshot 3 Barcode generator for WordPress screenshot 4
Version: 3.4.11
WordPress up to: 6.7.x
WooCommerce up to: 9.7.x
payment security
payment security

Related plugins

Barcode Scanner

Barcode Scanner

Barcode Generator

Barcode Generator

EAN/UPC Generator & Importer

EAN/UPC Generator & Importer

Write your question or comment:

185 Comments Login
7 months ago

New version is published - 3.4.10 (7 August 2024)

- Bug fix: Fixed PHP warnings in some PHP versions
- Bug fix: Fixed bug related to the WP media gallery
- Bug fix: Fixed compatibility issues with some third-party plugins

10 months ago

What is your timeline for full support of High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)? I'm currently developing a store with a large number of products and will need to optimize the site's data to improve performance. Using HPOS is one step in our performance plan, however, using your plugin is preventing this. I understand, you've added partial support of HPOS. I'm curious how far off your are to fully supporting HPOS. Thanks.

7 months ago

Hello, the latest version fully supports HPOS. If you face any problems related to the HPOS, please contact me directly and provide with details:

1 year ago

I am trying to upload the plug-in and can't seem to make it work. It seems like there is nothing to upload in the file I downloaded from the site.

11 months ago

Hello, I am sorry for the delay with the answer. Looks like you use Mac OS and Safari, right ? the problem is that Safari extracts all downloaded zip files automatically. You need to disable it, you can do it here (see screenshots ) https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

After it re-download the file from your account.

1 year ago

New version 3.4.6 has been published - 28 October 2023

Change log:
- Feature: Single label PDF will have the name of the barcode.
- Improvement: Added partial support of HPOS
- Improvement: Added "Purchased Product Quantity" value for the labels
- Improvement: Added possibility to translate values from lines1-4
- Improvement: Better integration with ATUM plugin
- Improvement: Improved plugin performance
- Bug fix: Multiple minor bug fixes

1 year ago

is it possible to be able to generate a unique qr code based on the customers ordered items and track throughwoo commerce eg customer buys 3 items the same, they all need unique qr codes for unique urls. is this possible?

1 year ago


It is possible to create QRCodes for purchased items.

If user buys 3 different products - QRCodes will be different because these products have different urls/pages.

If purchased 3 the same items (from the same url) the QRCodes will be always the same, as the product page is the same for these 3 products.

1 year ago

ah ok, not what i was looking for. I need qr code generation to be linked to custom

1 year ago

is the plugin compatible with wordpress multisite?

1 year ago

Yes, it is compatible with wordpress multisite.

1 year ago


I want upgrade but it cant be

1 year ago

Please contact me here:
And let me know to which plan you would like to upgrade.

1 year ago

Hi, I tried to place order for single license now, I enter all info and I didn't get any notification or mail with access,
Please help with the procedure, thanks

1 year ago


Please contact me here:
And provide me with your account email, so I can investigate the problem.

1 year ago

Depois de 1 ano, o plugin para de funcionar?

1 year ago

Sim, em um ano você precisará renovar a licença.

1 year ago

O plugin tem suporte para o idioma Português?

1 year ago

Infelizmente não, mas você mesmo pode adicionar uma tradução usando o plugin "Loco translate":

1 year ago

Hey there,
I am printing small label (65 pcs/a4 page) and the first column should be 1 mm to the left. Is there a place where i can adjust the page layout so it will fit with my pre-cut stickers?
Thank you!

1 year ago

Yes, you can adjust the sheet sizes by pressing on the "edit" icon in the "Sheet" dropdown, see the attached screenshot.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Cannot download this product. After payment i go and try to download i get this: " Warning ! Please fill in your company information. "
Download did not start. I go into my account -> My profile and try to switch at "I am buying as" Person/Business but nothing changes. Fill my business information, hit save and get this error on a blank screen " {"success":"false","message":"You should pass the captcha verification."} ". Checked 10 times, no captcha on the previous page.
Also Contact Us page does not have contact details or a form to complete. This is why i write my message here.
What a good start :)

1 year ago

Solved by email.

2 years ago

Does the product put the barcode in the native barcode field or does it create a custom field?

2 years ago


Barcode is a representation of the currently existing product identification code.
So, the barcode can be created from the product id or product SKU you may already have (or any other code field, EAN, UPC, etc)
Plugin does not generate SKUs or any other codes, it expects that you already have product code and it uses it for the barcode image generation.

2 years ago

Can a code/scan be generated for each order instead of items

2 years ago


Yes, plugin allows to generate barcode for a whole order.
You can use order id for the barcode label or any other order identification code.

2 years ago

New version 3.4.5 has been published - 21 February 2023

Change log:
- Feature: Single label PDF will have the name of the barcode.
- Feature: Added possibility to print variation label right from the "All products" page.
- Improvement: Added German translation
- Improvement: Added more text to the translations
- Improvement: Minor UI improvements
- Bug: Fixed css issue with EAN13 barcode
- Bug: Fixed minor bugs in the label preview

2 years ago

I would like to add a price and sku barcode label to the product page so that I can download and print it on a DYMO printer ? Is it possible with this plugin ?

2 years ago

Like second option

2 years ago

> I can download and print it on a DYMO printer ?
Yes, you can.
All the examples were created with this plugin, so you can create any of them.

2 years ago

So which version of the plugin should I choose ?

2 years ago

Basic plan will work just fine for you.
If you will need any additional features - you can always upgrade your plan.

2 years ago

Hello. My woocommerce shop show in frontend price escl. Vat. It will be possible to print the label price including Vat?

2 years ago

Yes, it is possible to print price in both ways - with and without tax.

2 years ago

New version 3.4.4 has been published - 7 December 2022

Change log:
Important fix: Fixed printing preview issue for the latest google chrome update
Bug fix: Fixed product links for the variations
Feature: Automatic detection of UPC if EAN is selected
Feature: Added 8 values per label for the Basic plan
Feature: Added possibility to add user's info to the labels
Improvement: Added delay for JS building on the print page
Improvement: Added some text to translations
Improvement: From now, line-break set to "break words" by default
Other: Multiple minor bug fixes and UI improvements

2 years ago

no format parameter specified

What does it mean? ANd how do I fix it?

2 years ago


Please send a screenshot of the error with this form:
So, I can see at which action error occurred.

2 years ago

Hello - do the QR codes ever expire?

2 years ago

Hello, by default QRCode never expires.
However, it is possible to configure QRCode and software to make data encoded into QRCode to be expired in a while but it requires additional configuration.

2 years ago

Hi, will you be updating it to work with the latest version of WooCommerce?

2 years ago

Sure, we already prepared version 3.4.4 which fully tested and supports the latest WooCommerce.
We are planning to publish it next week.
If you wish I can send it to you earlier.

2 years ago

hello, i want to purchase this product but when the demo version doesnt allow me to print to make sure this is what i wanted.
can i get the demo version till i can print from thermal printer?

thank you

2 years ago

We provide with 14 days money back guarantee so, if you decide that plugin doesn't fit your needs - we will issue a refund.
You can also always contact me if you face any problems:

2 years ago

ok and what is term and condition to get that guarantee? and is it gonna get 100% money?

thank you

2 years ago

Yes, we give 100% money back during 14 days.

2 years ago


I already purchased barcode scanner premium and have a similar question to Jaidyn below.

Would it be possible to add the function to print the product barcode from the barcode scanner product search? It would be much easier searching products there and then printing a single label when needed.

Best regards

2 years ago


We already implemented this feature for the latest version of plugins.
Please update both plugins and you will find link "Print label" as on the screenshot.
Contact me here if you face any difficulties:

2 years ago

Published version 3.4.3 (19 July 2022)

- Improved label template editor
- Added possibility to create QRCodes/Barcodes for users & coupons
- Improved label settings
- Added support of OpenPOS
- Attributes can be used for barcode generation
- For order barcode/QRCode can be use billing & shipping info
- Added link for QRcode to add product to cart after QR scanning.
- Roboto font set as default for templates

2 years ago

Hello, I am wanting to purchase your plugging but just want to confirm something before I commit.

Can I easily do bulk or singular printing of labels without having to go into every item individually to print them?
Like is there a page I can go to to search for the barcodes I need or I need to go into products each time?

Also it says you can add your logo but I couldn’t find a way I could add an image to add the logo, info on this would be great.

Thanks and look forward to your reply so we can proceed.

2 years ago


>Can I easily do bulk or singular printing of labels without having to go into every item individually to print them?
You don't have to print labels for each product separatelly.
You can add barcode labels on the preview for all products first and the print them all in bulk.

>Like is there a page I can go to to search for the barcodes I need or I need to go into products each time?
Simply use "All product" page to find needed products and add ones on the printing preview.

>Also it says you can add your logo but I couldn’t find a way I could add an image to add the logo, info on this would be great.
Logo can be added only for custom label templates.
Template can be developed by your developer (in business plan) and by our team (in premium plan).

2 years ago

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Is your pricing a yearly fee or a one off payment?

I use a third party app for my POS system, do I need the api or should I be fine without it?
I only want to print the barcodes on my products then use my POS app to scan the item in the system.

On the free version it would let me scan the item and it would show up in my POS system but would show 2 items when you only scanned it the once.. so it was working but not correctly. So I’m not sure if I can get away without having to use the api or not.

Thanks for your time.

2 years ago

>Is your pricing a yearly fee or a one off payment?
Prices are per year.

>I use a third party app for my POS system, do I need the api or should I be fine without it?
It should work with any POS, however (just in case) let me know the POS name, so I can check it.

>POS system but would show 2 items when you only scanned it the once
Please contact me directly here:
So, I could ask more information about your system.

2 years ago

Thank you for your reply, I have just sent you a message.


2 years ago

Version 3.4.2 has been published.

Main changes:
- Improved tools for creation of custom templates
- Added possibility to edit content of the custom labels
- Fixed CSS conflicts with some custom wp-admin themes
- Small bug fixes & UI improvements

3 years ago

I was checking your free version to see how it will play out.
However as i have a specific problem i need some more information about the plugin functionality.
Basically what i need is to integrate something unique after SKU or ID in the barcode image.
Is it possible to integrate current date and time in the barcode image?
Or any random or sequential number?

3 years ago

Yes, it is possible with using "Advanced" matching in label template editor.
In textareas you will be able to specify a few shortcodes and static texts, for example: [field=ID before="prefix: " after="- some text"]
If you will need any help with it, contact me here:


3 years ago

Hi we are just setting this up on our website but I cant work out how to save the barcodes as a PDF, we are planning to print them on a different printer but I cant seem to save this. Any help would be great, thank you

3 years ago

Hello, yes you can save labels as PDF.
For this you need instead of printer select PDF option in printing dialog.

3 years ago

Hello, I notice that when activate the plugin. It make WordPress plugins update button disappear. Maybe it's a bug?

Thank you

3 years ago

Yes you are right, this is a bug.
It will be fixed in version 3.3.16 today - tomorrow.
Thank you for reporting.

3 years ago

Thank you

3 years ago

Hi there,
I recently got your plugin a week ago and it was working perfect. Since wordpress has updated their verision to 6.0.0 the plugin is no longer working. If I press on it nothing comes up. If I go to products and select the products I want to generate a code and then press on generate code, nothing happens. I have un-installed it and re-installed it several times. The same thing is still happening. Could you please help me resolve this issue.


3 years ago


Please make sure you use the latest version of plugin 3.3.15.
You can download new version in your account on our website.
Simply remove old and install a new version.

If it won't help please contact me here:

3 years ago

Hi there,
I recently got your plugin and it was working perfect a week ago. I have since updated wordpress to version 6.0.0 and since then your plugin no longer works. I have re-installed it several times and it still does'nt work. Could you please tell me how to fix this issue.


3 years ago


Please make sure you use the latest version of plugin 3.3.15.
You can download new version in your account on our website.
Simply remove old and install a new version.

If it won't help please contact me here:

3 years ago

How do i print the product variation name instead of the main product name?

3 years ago


Actually it already works this way.
But by default WooCommerce variation name is equal to parent name, that is why you may see no difference on labels.

I guess you may use third party plugin which allows to create separate names for variations. In this case we can help you integrate it with printing plugin.

Please write to us on and send to us Plugin name and screenshot of where you changing variation name and we will help you.

3 years ago

Хотелось бы, код для оплаты через банк.

3 years ago

Вы можете оплатить банковской картой или через банковский SEPA перевод.
Или Вы хотели бы оплатить каким-то другим способом ?

3 years ago

Hi! The plugin is exactly what we were looking for. Question: Is there a way when I click on "Product Label" to only create labels for products whose variation has a certain value? e.g. something like "Packaging" is "Paper" Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

3 years ago

There is not such functionality yet.
However in future we may add it.

For now you can create labels for specific variations, see screenshot. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

3 years ago

Hi, very nice plugin! It works exactly as expected for simple products, but no variable products. I am using <del>[cf=_regular_price]</del> - [cf=_price] to get a striked through regular price and the actual price next to it. But when I do this with variable products, the regular price does not appear. When I do this with simple products, it appears exactly as I wanted it too. Maybe regular price doesn't pull from variation regular price but tries to pull from the parent? (which does not exist for variable products)

3 years ago

Hello Jesse,

Admin theme sometimes hides <del> elements.
Instead of <del> tag, try to use span tag with style="text-decoration:line-through;"

Let me know if it won't help.

3 years ago

Hello there. Initially after plugin setup, we tried to create pages and profiles to find which measurements work. Now that we have a final preset, we are unable to delete the previous ones. Can you guide on how to delete other pages & presets? Thanks in advance.

3 years ago

Post Sale questions - can plugin prepopulate barcode field so user does not have to create?

3 years ago

Yes, you can match product fields to label fields, so user don't have to do it.
Please check out screenshot. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

3 years ago

will POS search by SKU and auto add to cart. User can continue to scan and auto add?

3 years ago

Usually it works like you described. However it mostly depends on POS system. If your POS system allows to do it then there won't be any problems to use POS with our plugin.

3 years ago

Is it possible to auto create the barcodes in the product fields.

3 years ago

Hello Josh,
To print labels you will need to select products first.

3 years ago

Hi! Is it possible to try the plugin before purchase? Or claim a refund after trying it in action? We need to print product attributes on every barcode and some products have many of them. I would like to check how it looks like in practice. :)

3 years ago


We have a demo version published here:
Please download it and test it out :)

If you face any difficulties - our support is here to help you.
Of course if even our support won't be able to resolve issues we will make a refund.

3 years ago

Thanks, I have more questions, I already started with your consultant. :)

4 years ago

Hello! As basic plan is it possible to get the weight of product also showing on the label from the products information? Thanks!

4 years ago

Today we are launching version 3.3.3 where we added "Weight" field. So, by the end of the day you can try to use it.

4 years ago

When printing product labels from the orders page I would like to display the selected value of a custom attribute. Is this possible? All I have managed to do is displaying all possible values of the custom attribute.

4 years ago

Yes this is possible.
Please write at and let us know which label template you use - adaptive or custom label template.
You can find this information in "Label Templates" menu.

4 years ago

I am looking to print product labels for the individual variations for my product. All the sku's are unique to each variation and not the product listing itself. Is it possible for the plugin to add the variation name on the label along with the product name?

4 years ago


Yea, this is possible to implement with some label template customization.

As I know, by default, WooCommerce variation name is not possible to change manually.

I assume you use some plugin to specify variation name, so we need to make integration of our barcode plugin with your plugin.

We can do that for you, please contact at so we can discuss this case more detailed.

4 years ago

Can i print barcodes from product list page ? like a small button icon here

4 years ago

Yes, plugin has the "Generate Barcodes" button on product list page.
You need to select products first and then press "Generate Barcodes" button.

4 years ago

Awesome i will buy it nice work my bro iam an Egyptian full stack developer

4 years ago

Thank you.

4 years ago

Actually I have a question about the order barcode, we need to be able to customize the generated order barcode, can we?

4 years ago

Hello Mark,
"Label Template Editor" allows to customize barcode the way you need.
Also "Business" plan includes development of 1 label template by your request.
So, you can send us barcode requirements/layout and we can make it for you.

4 years ago

Can i add shipping details on the label?

4 years ago

Yes you can create shipping labels with information from orders.
What information would you like to see on shipping labels ?

4 years ago

Hello. we have a problem, we can't generate more than three pages, what is the reason for this?

4 years ago


I just checked it and successfully created labels for 10 pages.
Could you write to, so we can send you the latest version (but not published yet) .

4 years ago

will barcode plugin put the barcode in all order emails as well as the order details page in the customer’s WooCommerce account? so sales order printed out the bar code be on the order invoice /sale receipt. and is the price a one time cost and still get updates if it does i will be interested in buying this.

4 years ago

This plugin can be used only for printing labels with barcodes.

However we are working on plugin wshich do exactly what you described,
If you is interested in it, please contact us at and we will provide you with demo version of it, so you can test it and make sure that plugin works the way you need before buying it.

4 years ago

I have downloaded and activated the plugin for barcode, generated the barcodes for products and categories. But, when I'm placing an order and checking the invoice before printing the barcode is not appearing there. So, please help how to add the barcode on the invoice and bills. Thanks!

4 years ago

Please contact us at email
so we can help you with plugin configuration.

4 years ago

hello, about printing custom labels, my need would be to have printed on the label two codes, 1 QR code with product link in the store and 1 code128 for the SKU, is this possible? what is the cost of this license? thank you

4 years ago

Hello, unfortunately there is no possibility to put 2 barcodes on 1 label.
However you can print 2 labels instead - one with QRcode and another with code128.
Click on "GET" button (top-right corenr) to find out prices.

4 years ago

Great Product, would recomment to anoyone needing a steady and solid tool to print and create your product QR codes

4 years ago

Thank you!

4 years ago

Hi, I have product subtitle for woocommerce, and I wish to showcase such subtitle. How can I do that?

4 years ago


By default woocommerce doesn't have subtitle field, so I suppose it was created as a custom field by some of your plugins.

Barcode generator supports custom fields, but you need to know the name of custom field (how it is stored in database).

It may look like "_sub_title" or "subtitle", you can try to find it in HTML or in database (it may require some web-development skills).

After you find name of custom field you can enter it in barcode import popup, e.g. match Text1 with "Custom Field" value from the dropdown.

Or write to us on and we will find name of custom field for you.


We installed "Product Subtitle For WooCommerce" and found that custom field name is wc_ps_subtitle, so now you can use it to put subtitles on barcodes.

4 years ago

Hi, I just installed the basic version, But when I create the a label and click the "print" button, there is a new window that opens, then see two pages, a page barcode this other in white, and so forth with more labels, always pages in white.

4 years ago


Could you write me on and send a screenshot of pages in white ?

4 years ago

I need to find the directions on how to do two things:
1. Print the sale price of an item when it's different from the regular price
2. Print the proper item name and prices for variable items.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

4 years ago


We just published a new version of barcode plugin.
So, first of all remove old version and install a new one 2.14.3.

>1. Print the sale price of an item when it's different from the regular price

For this you need to select "Actual price" in dropdown.
"Actual price" always have real price which will be used for order.

>2. Print the proper item name and prices for variable items.
Import of variations is enabled by default but make sure that "Include variations" option is enabled on import popup. If this option is enabled then variation prices will be used instead of parent product.

4 years ago

Figured out the download. I have no idea where you're seeing this drop down screen, though.

I'm talking about how I would do this when setting up a new template.

When I do see a drop down when selecting specific items, it doesn't give the open to have both a name and a price (see attached screen shot). https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

It will include variations, but it appears I have to choose to either have the name OR the price displayed, but no way to have both.

Please let me know how to get to a screen that looks like the one you posted. I haven't been able to find good, written directions anywhere.

My preference would be a template that allowed me to include:
Product Name, including variation names when needed
Sale Price (if available)
Regular price
Our business name/logo

5 years ago

Hey. The plugin seems to be looking great. The only barcode plugin I found with the customizeability that I needed. I need to to print a barcode for each item that my clients order and looking for the items from product list for each item individually is quite time consuming obviously so do you think there'd be a way to automate or streamline the process?

5 years ago

Hello Ville Tallgren,

Right now plugin doesn't allow to print barcodes from purchased items in orders.
However you can import and print these product separately by searching these products (which is more time consuming).

The good news is that we already working on printing barcodes from orders and in a few weeks new version of plugin will be available.

5 years ago

Is it possible to setup using my brother printing label?

5 years ago

Yes, plugin supports brother printers.

5 years ago

I want to buy the basic version. Can I use the generate barcode for selected product function?

5 years ago

Hello Wajahat,

Basic version allows to create labels only manually.
If you need to import selected products then you need a business version.

5 years ago

Is it possible to set a custom template in the demo version to see how the barcode will look like with my own template? I would like to try this functionality before buying the plugin.

5 years ago

Yes, you can create custom label template in demo version.
Let me know if you need any help.

5 years ago

Version 2.12.0 has been released.

5 years ago

Hello, can I set a link to a product on a site in a barcode?

5 years ago

Hello Igor,

Yes, plugin allows to use product link as a barcode.
So, when you scan barcode you will get a link to product page.

5 years ago


Do you provide customization job? I need some customization of barcode generator plugin.

Can you integrate this plugin with this form builder plugin? So, user can generate barcode based on some fields inputted on specific form where barcode generator is enabled by master admin.


5 years ago

Hi Tuni Bibi,

Our minimal order for custom development is 1000 EUR.
For more details contact me by email:

5 years ago

Version is released, check "Change Log" for details.

5 years ago

Hi, the demo plugin on WordPress is still and I’m just
getting a blank screen when I go to Create Manually. Is this something
fixed in the later version or is it because I am on a WP multi-site

5 years ago

Hello David.
This issue might appear because of Javascript error, which is probably caused by conflict between some plugins. Please write to me on and we will figure that out.

5 years ago

Is it possible to print 65 unique barcodes per sheet in an A4 sheet having 65 label

5 years ago

Hello, yes, it is possible.
Plugin allows to print on any sheet, you just need to know sizes of sheet and labels.

5 years ago

Hi, version is released with next changes:

Design #6931: Improved design of "Label copy" popup.
Bug fix #6940: Wasn't possible to create custom paper with some sizes.
Bug fix #6941: In browser printing preview, some barcode images were invisible.

Version is released with next changes:

Feature #6855: Adding any amount of custom fields or attributes into custom label templates.
Design #6887: Improved design of popups.
Improve #6856: Text1 and Text2 fields are hidden in popups if they are not used in label template.
Improve #6913: Adding "Not selected" values for dropdowns in popups.
Bug fix #6891: Private products should be allowed for "Import from categories" too.
Bug fix #6878: Popup loading issue with creation of custom paper and custom label sheets.

5 years ago

Is there a way I could print multiple copies of the same barcodes on a sheet?
Say, if I had 20 dolls and need to print out 20 barcodes at once, is there a way to do that?

5 years ago

Hello Jackie,

Yea, you can make any amount of copies of any barcode.

For this you need to create 1 barcode and add it to paper preview (which is on the right side).
After it, press copy button at the top right corner of barcode and specify how much copies you need.

See screenshot: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

5 years ago

Hi, Would it be possible to generate barcode jpgs for use in printed product lables?
If so would be individually and or in bulk?
Thank you.

5 years ago


I'm not sure why you need separate pictures.
Please clarify on this if below answer isn't what you're looking for.

With Barcode Generator you can create as many barcodes as you like, either manually or using automatic options: "Import from Categories" or "Import Selected Items".

Either way, after barcodes created, they are placed on page and you can print them all at once or save to PDF file and print later.

5 years ago

Sorry asked in but would like this info and if all is ok will buy plugin asap

Whats the smallest Barcode label you can print, with just Price on it??
and what size is each label please in mm

And if it possible to export or save as PDF instead of printing.
Do you have pdf samples of these to test for Scanning capability?

OK Note I found “2. You can save all pages as PDF document, so you will be able to print them later.”
Is this a good quality PDF, or just a standard PDF?

5 years ago

Hello Pete,

You can print up to 10mm X 25mm with default settings.

Plugin allows to print barcodes with any size (even 10x10 mm) if you decide to use custom templates.
We can help you to create custom template, so barcodes will look exactly as you need (it is included in business plan).

>OK Note I found “2. You can save all pages as PDF document, so you will be able to print them later.”
Sure, you can save barcodes as PDF instead of printing.

>Is this a good quality PDF, or just a standard PDF?
We use SVG image format for barcodes, it is best format to keep quality during printing.

5 years ago

Hi Im wanting to print labels on a Dymo thermal roll printer and print onto 25mm x 25mm labels, will this work?

5 years ago

Hi Balin,

Sure, you can print 25mm x 25 mm labels using your printer. Another important matter to consider is how much information you want to print along with barcode, e.g. product name, price, etc. In case you want to print a lot of information, then text could be quite small.

Also another option is to create custom template for labels where you can specify any sizes and any formatting. Let me know if you want to create custom template and we'll help you.

5 years ago

Hi, I've just bought the plugin and I get a 404 error when pressing the button Print.

5 years ago

Hi, we've received your email with details and investigating this at the moment. I'll email you shortly.

5 years ago

Issue has been resolved. Please check email for more details.

5 years ago

I did send a Pre sales question a few days ago. but no answer.
So will try in here.

With printing etc. Is there a way to copy and paste the bar code with all the words etc so I can paste them into a A4 Sheet containing 252 labels on one sheet?

5 years ago

Hello Pete,

Plugin allows to specify sizes of your label sheet and print 252 labels directly from wordpress, so you don't need to copy/paste barcodes to other programs.

If you need help to setup new label sheet format, please contact us by email: support @ and we will help you.

5 years ago

what if I only print out 5 labels. is there a way to tell the system to miss those and print from the next label.

Otherwise I wasted a whole sheet for 5 lables

5 years ago

Yes, you can move (drag and drop) barcodes from 1-5 positions to any other positions next time.

5 years ago

What does White label means, and if I take Business Plan, it takes care of all my 55000 products in a store? Also this license is one time only or renewal basis?

5 years ago

Hello, "White label" means that plugin won't include any signs of our company, so you can claim plugin as your own development.

Business Plan contains all needed functionality and can work with any amount of products. However try do not print thousands of lables at once, try to split it on categories or some parts.

> Also this license is one time only or renewal basis?
Purchase includes 6 months of support and updates. If you don't need it after 6 months - you can disable "subscription" during purchase process.

If you need any help with plugin configuration, contact us at: support @

5 years ago

Is it possible to add the product image in a custom template? If so, what would the code be?
Thank you!

5 years ago

Hi, right now it is possible to add only static image to template.
But actually your idea is very nice and I think we could implement it in future version.

5 years ago

Hi, does it work with "Dymo MobileLabeler" printer?


5 years ago

Hi, this plugin supports most of mobile printers. But plugin has no interface for mobile devices, so if you will use laptop/desktop/tablet - it will work perfectly with some configuration. Contact us on if you will need any help to configure plugin.

5 years ago

Thanks for fast answer, we will try to install it now and put RESHOW storage in order.
thanks !!!

5 years ago

Can anyone help me on resizing stickerprint size for roll paper, when txt disappears to the right?
See picture for an example. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

5 years ago

Hi Gitte,

We've received your videos. Thank you very much!
It seems to be an issue in FireFox browser. Please try Google Chrome browser instead.

After setting up Roll Label dimensions, you will also need to create a new Label Sheet by clicking on "Add new" button and enter dimensions of barcode label.

If this won't help, please let me know and we'll set up TeamViewer session to help you to resolve the issue.

Meanwhile we'll work on FireFox issue.

Best regards,

6 years ago

Hi, I just installed the basic version and noticed that I can't import product by categories. I need an upgrade. How can I upgrade the product? Thanks, Luzia

6 years ago

Hi Luzia, I've emailed instructions to you.

6 years ago

You mention the Business Plan is a 'Great fit for shop with dozens/hundreds of unique products in stock.' I have an online store with just over 2,000 products. Am I right to assume the plugin will work fine with that number of products?

6 years ago


Yes, that is correct.
Business Plan will work with 2,000+ products.

However it is better not to print all of them at the same time.
Preferably print barcodes per category.

If you have any additional questions you can always email me:

6 years ago

Hello there, Julia!

I just bought the full version of the plugin, then I deleted the demo version of it and uploaded the premium one. But when I create the labels and click the "print" button, there is a new window that opens but suddenly it closes automatically and I don't have enough time to print the file. Apparently, there is a message saying "Please upgrade to full version to proceed with printing" – but I already did that.

I need some help.

6 years ago

Hello Luiza,
I've already replied to your email with questions.
Please check it.

6 years ago

Whenever i import products from categories it shows & pound with the price, i want the £ sign with the price. Any idea how can i change & pound to £? Thanks

6 years ago

We've already checked the problem and it seems that you use old version of Barcode Generator. Please download latest version from our website and reinstall it.

6 years ago

Thank you for reporting this! We're on holidays and be back on January 2nd.
We'll investigate and resolve this once we're back at the office.

6 years ago


after order successfully completed.Barcode sent to email or not

6 years ago


After purchase you can download plugin from your account.
Please see screenshot:

6 years ago

Hi ! I just bought the license.
And downloaded the file from the website. In the descriptation they say go to plugin - > upload the file which i just download. But all the files are in PHP format and woo commerce says you can upload zip files only. Also when i use the plugin it is still the demo version... so i made my barcodes now but can't print or save them at all. How can i print them now ? Or install the right zip file ?
Because i am really stuck at this moment.

Kinds Regards,


6 years ago

Hello Melanie,

If you installed Demo version before, please delete it:
1. go to Plugins->Installed plugin;
2. disable Barcode Generator plugin;
3. Delete it

Then please install ZIP file of Barcode Generator you've bought:
1. Go to Plugins;
2. Click "Add New"
3. Then click "Upload Plugin" button
4. Select the ZIP file
5. Enable plugin.

Then try to open Barcode Generator again - you should be able to print barcodes now.

If this won't help. It could be also a problem with cache in your browser. Try to clear it and then print barcodes.

6 years ago

Thank you for the reply.
But exactly this steps i already tried. The file i got is the problem... this is not in zip format. I can't upload it to new plugin.
Al the files from the download are php files. Please see the images.

https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

6 years ago

Thank you for screenshots.

It is very strange that plugin was download as extracted folder, I just checked on other OS and it downloads as ZIP file.

Quick solution:
Please try to create zip archive from selected folder on your screenshot. After it try to install this zip file on your wordpress.
How to create zip:

If it won't help, could I connect to your laptop using TeamViewer ? So I can see problem closer and will be able to find a solution.

If "quick solution" won't help - contact me on email:

6 years ago

Thanks a lot ! i changed them to zip and it works !
Thans you for the great help.

6 years ago

Hi again! Also I'd like to know if I can copy paste the barcode to word, and resize it from there.

6 years ago

Unfortunately we don't have this feature yet but it is great idea for future version.

6 years ago

Before purchasing, I'd like to know if I can resize the barcode to fit in a small jewellery tag, size 25mmx10mm. Thanks

6 years ago

Right now the smallest barcode size is 22mm x 16mm.
But next week we are going to launch new version where you will be able to create barcodes with any size (for any labels format)

6 years ago

Thanks for your prompt reply. I would like to know when the new version is out :)

6 years ago

Sure, I will let you know.

6 years ago

Hello Before purchasing
How you deal variable product barcode generation ?

6 years ago

Hi, we are planning to add support of variable products in next version in about 1-2 weeks.

6 years ago

thank you

6 years ago


Our team created "A4 Barcode Generator for WordPress" to help our clients managing their shops.

I'd be happy to hear your feedback and suggestions :)
