Import JomSocial Users from Excel or CSV File
Migrate users with any JomSocial data, all types of custom fields are supported

  • Allows to import new and update existing users from Excel or CSV file
  • Supports any custom fields from JomSocial like address, phone or birthday
  • Sends "Welcome" emails with credentials to imported users
This superb component allows to import users to Joomla/JomSocial (from excel/csv file) with least efforts. All imported users have the same capabilities as any other registered user on your web-site and you can manage them via admin panel as usual. This import was developed specially for JomSocial and supports 99% of JomSocial functionality.
Even CEO of JomSocial use our extension!

Our "JomSocial user import" supports wide range of fields:
  • Joomla core fields: Id, Name, Username, Password, Email, Params, Register Date and Group(s), etc.
  • JomSocial fields: Any default and custom created fields are supported!
  • Joomla 3.7+ Custom Fields: Any fields created via "Users"->"Fields" menu.

Main features of "JomSocial User Import":

  • Creates only new users, update existing users or does both actions at once.
  • Specific columns order in file not required.
  • Allows you to import users into one or a few Joomla and JomSocial groups.
  • Gives possibility to set new password for users (plain or already encrypted one).
  • If a file doesn’t contain passwords, import can create passwords automatically.
  • Sends "Welcome" emails to imported users with login/pass and other info, read more.
  • "Email Sending Report" is available, so you can check if emails were sent to users.
  • Allows you to store import settings into "Profile" for regular import, read more.
  • Makes it possible to block users automatically which are no longer exist in Excel/CSV file.
  • Grants access to import extension to specific Joomla groups.
  • Import multiple dropdown values (format: "coffee,tea,water").
  • Provides auto users import by schedule (using Cron).
  • Imports into "Improved AJAX Import & Register" extension fields.
  • Supports most of the third party components like "K2" or "AcyMailing".

What people say about import extension:

Import "Profiles" for regular use.

"Profile" is like a template with stored import settings. It was developed to save your time by setting up import settings once instead of doing this for each import.

Let's see how to set it up. For example, we've got a file with users from a third-party website and we need to create accounts for those users in our Joomla website. Since we must update users every week - it's better to use "Profiles" feature.

How to create "Profile":
1. Upload excel/CSV file.
2. Select Joomla group, match file's columns with user fields and specify other settings you may need.
3. Click on "SAVE PROFILE" button and give "Profile" a name. That's it, a new "Profile" has been created.

How to use "Profiles":
1. Start a new import. On step 1 you will see recently created profile. Click on upload button and select excel/CSV file.
2. Click "Next" and on step 2 all settings we’ve chosen before are already pulled up from "Profile" and automatically applied. So we only need to check if everything is okay and go to the next step.

Here is some useful cases when "Profile" feature comes in handy:
- file with users information has to be imported regularly, e.g. each day or week;
- you have two or more different excel/CSV files and each file has its own columns’ order;
- you need to import all users from file #1 into e.g. "Managers" group and users from file #2 into "Editors" group.

That's all you need to know to start saving time now!

Sending emails to imported and/or updated users.

“Import Users” tool provides option to notify new and/or existing users. With this option you can send personalized messages along with users' data like Name, Address, Password, etc.

In the example, we’ll show how to set up email sending to newly imported users. Since the user mailing is turned off by default, let’s enable it by the following steps:

1. Go to 2nd step.

2. In "Email Settings" select "Notify..." options.

3. Write email message.

“Import Users” offers two types of variables:

  • “Default” – predefined variables list that includes commonly used variables, like Name, Username, Website;
  • “Dynamic” – they pull values from imported file on the fly.

You can use “Default” & “Dynamic” variables in the "Email Template" popup. Both types of variables can be put into email “Subject” and email “Body”. Using of "Default" variables is easy, just place in editor listed variables like %username% and it will be replaced with the real username.

Data for "Dynamic" variables are taken from uploaded excel or csv file. So, to use these variables it's required to have already matched columns to Joomla fields. For example if we match “Name”, “Username”, “Email”, “Address”, “Country” and “Postal code” on step 2 we will be able to use these variable in Email Template popup.

Then click at "Add Fields" button and we'll see dynamic variables of matched columns. To insert any of the above variables, just click on it. If list of variables is empty, that means that columns from the file haven’t been matched with Joomla fields, so match the columns first.

In case you want to use custom text colors, insert images or change sizes, please use “Source Code”. With it you can change HTML the way you need. To turn it on, go to “Tools” - > “Source Code”:

After finishing configuration of email template click “Save”.

In case you want to email the existing users as well, enable “Notify existing users” option and set it up as before.

  • “Welcome” mails are disabled by default, but you can enable them in advanced settings on Step 2. You can even create your own message and send login/password.

  • Yes, our import supports all characters from UTF-8, for example: Ü, ß, É, 字
    But your file should be in UTF-8

  • Don't match (using sandwich) the password column on step 2. The import will create password column automatically on step 3

  • You need to do next steps:
    1. You need to click on "Switch to Advanced mode".
    2. Then you need to check "Notify newly added users".
    3. At message dialog click "Tools" then click "Source code"
    4 In "Source code" editor you can use HTML to customize your email the way you need.

  • 1. Your file should contain column where Groups are separated by comma, e.g. "Editor, Manager, Administrator". So that one user can have any amount of Groups.
    2. On "Step 2 (Settings)" match the column with "Groups" field. Please note that you no longer need to use "Joomla group:" dropbox.

  • Fortunately, there is such possibility.
    Joomla has "Require Password Reset" option and when it's enabled user will be required to change his password on the first/next login.
    To enable this you will need to have column in excel/csv file with values "Yes" (to require password reset) and "No" to not require it. And match this column with Joomla "Require Password Reset" field.

  • Fast way to fix this issue is to change settings in Joomla administrator panel. Please go to: System -> Global Configuration -> Server and change "Error Reporting" field to "None" value. If it don’t help - please contact us and provide us with ticket number.

  • Unfortunately Auto updater is not available for this extension.
    To get the latest version of import you need:
    1. Go to our website:
    2. Login and go to "My Products" menu.
    3. Here you will find all your extensions and can download them.

  • To find out the reason why some users can’t be imported - you just need to hover your mouse over the user in tab “Won’t be imported”.

  • Our extension is using standard Joomla functions to send emails, so actually we don't have much control on this process. Import extensions just gives email to Joomla and if Joomla's and Server's mail configurations are correct - email will be sent to inbox.

    So if users don't receive emails the problem might be in:

    1. Incorrect Joomla email configuration - ask your developer to check it out.
    2. Problems with mail service on the server - ask your system administrator to check it out.
    3. Some emails comes to spam/junk folder - ask user to check these folders too.
  • Our extension is using standard Joomla functions to send emails, so actually we don't have much control on this process.

    This issue is based on a few factors, which can be fixed/changed by server administrator and domain owner.

    1. Correct mail server configuration
    2. Server's IP might be black listed, you can check it here:
    3. You can use DKIM, SPF, DMARC to make your domains valid for mass mailing
    4. Keep valid reverse DNS records for the IP address(es).
  • Maximum file upload size is a global PHP setting (called upload_max_filesize), you need to increase this value. Most hosting providers allows to change this setting in your Hosting Control Panel. Also you can ask your system administrator or developer to change it.

  • You need to send email to us and provide us with details:

    1. How to reproduce bug
    2. Screenshots of bug
    3. Best way to describe the problem is to create video (you can use software like Jing)

    If you subscribed to support, you can count on fast update (1-2 work days)

  • Our extension doesn't support Joomla's auto updater.

    You need to login on our web-site and download last version:
    My Account -> My Products -> Select your product -> Download button
    After it you need to remove old version from your Joomla and install a new one.

  • If you need some additional features, there are 2 ways:

    1. Send us email about new feature, and we will try to implement it in next version. As we receiving a lot of suggestions some of them can be rejected.
    2. We can create special release for you, in a short time, with all improvements you need for separate payment. Please contact us to know more about it.
  • Contact form on our web-site:

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Import Users to Joomla step 1 Import Users to Joomla step 2 Import Users to Joomla step 3 Import Users to Joomla step 4

Joomla versions:

1.6 1.7 2.5 3 4 5
payment security
payment security

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Write your question or comment:

21 Comments Login
11 hours ago
Hello, Do you support latest Joomla 5?
Julia Vasylieva
11 hours ago
Hello, Yes, we do support latest Joomla 5.
3 years ago

Is it possible in Joomla 4 to import users from wordpress and not send emails to new users accounts that are created in Joomla? I want to import all the users but I do not want emails going out untill we launch the site live. I do need new users made as well as passwords created but need to be able to send the users their passwords ... just need that to happen later and was not sure if this is possible?

3 years ago


Yes, you can import users and do not send passwords to them (just do not enable this option on step 2).
However it is better to test as some third-party plugins (in rare cases) may catch user creation event and send their own emails.

After import it is impossible to remember passwords because users will be created with encrypted passwords.
However, when website is live, you can update their password with second import - update passwords only.

4 years ago

Hi all

Is this the correct Path to cron file:


Somehow I receive a failure message "FIle does no exists". Whats wrong with this link?

4 years ago

By the way, in "Path to file" field you need to specify path to CSV file.

4 years ago


To run import by cron you need to do it as a web request, for example with command "wget".

1. Open "Cron Settings" menu, fill the form with all required data.
2. Copy "Cron URL"
3. For cron jobs add new command: wget [COPIED_CRON_URL]

Let me know if it helped.

4 years ago


I've received your second Message: this is Path to csv and NOT to cron.php file.
Unfortunately this is not described anywhere.

Does it have to be a csv or does it work with xlsx too?

4 years ago

Yea, it works with xlsx too.

>Unfortunately this is not described anywhere.
We will fix that in next version, thanks for noticing

4 years ago

Hi Dmitry,

exactly that is the problem: i receive the failure message by filling the form (Path to file).



5 years ago

New version 3.2.0 has been released.
See change log for details.

5 years ago

Version 3.1.0 has been released.

5 years ago

New major version 3.0.1 has been released.

5 years ago

Hi UKR Team - Modern and clean : I love your new graphism for Import users 2.9.6 - Thank you :-)

5 years ago

Thank you Stephan for your kind words :)
I hope new design will make using of import much easier.

5 years ago

Hot fix version is released.
Bug fix #6949: Import by schedule (by cron) is not working in some cases.

5 years ago


Version 2.9.5 is released with next changes:

Improve #6926: Profile settings saved in database.
Improve #6928: Profile remembers Simple/Advanced mode and opens it automatically.
Design #6920: Step 3. Tab "Won't be imported" highlighted to be more noticable
Bug fix #6921: Multiple Joomla groups importing. Last group hasn't been imported.
Bug fix #6947: File couldn't be imported when it contains less than two rows.

6 years ago

i cannot stop your component "Import Users" update notices from appearing on my admin panel and i've tried to uninstall and it gives an error. pls advise.

6 years ago

Please provide me with screenshot of error message and send it on email
I will try to help you as fast as possible.
Thank you.

6 years ago

Hello . With "White label " what do you mean ? Is it some kind of Copyright ? Thanks.

6 years ago

Hi, correct.
"White label" version doesn't have any signs of our UkrSolution company.
It might be very useful for some web-development agencies.
