iPhone & Android app for your WooCommerce store

Android-iOS app for wordpress
  • Fast & affordable way to develop your own mobile app (5-7 work days)
  • App will be published on "App Store" and "Google Play"
  • Your brand logo will be used for the app icon and app logo
Developing a fully native mobile app is a very time and money consuming venture.
App development usually require months of work and the budget usually measured in thousends of USD/EUR. However, the benefits of developing your own native app might be not so clear.

What we suggest:

We are suggesting you do not jump into developing of the fully native app, and try another, faster and more affordable approach.
This way you will get your own mobile app with functionality very close to your current online store and your customers will be able to download the app in just 5-7 work days.
The app will have all the basic features your current web-site have - product catalog, categories, customer profile, cart, checkout/payment page, etc.

How we are going to achive that:

We are pretty sure that your store already have mobile version (for the browser) and look pretty nice on the mobile devices.
If so, why don't use your current mobile store version as a base for the mobile app ? From our side we develop native mobile app (kind of wrapper) and "put" your web mobile version into the app.

How app will look:

Your app will have all the attributes of the native app:
  1. Your customers will be able download app on "App Store" and "Google Play"
  2. Your company will be listed as the owner of the app
  3. Installed app will have icon with your logo
  4. App will have possibility to interact with the iOS and Android OS

What is the pros of such approach:

  1. Speed of developemt and publishing on "App Store" and "Google Play" (just 5-7 days)
  2. App will have 99% of features you already have in web based mobile version
  3. The required budged for this approach is much much smaller
  4. The google analytics will be also connected to the app, so you can track mobile user activity right away
  5. To apply any changes into the mobile version you don't need to hire expensive iPhone and Android developers. Your current web-developer can handle all work. Web-developer make changes for the web-based mobile version - and these changes automatically will be loaded into the app

Cons of such approach:

This approache became more and more popular these days because this approach doesn't have any significant cons, that is why quite big corporation like IKEA, Airbnb, Booking.com, Lidl, Lukoil also use this approach.
The main cons is that the app created this way will look like just like your web-based mobile version.
Some businesses concider it as a pros but some as a cons. However, this also can be changed.

Our role and responsibilities:

Beside developing of the "wrapper" app, we also help you with next:
1. We take all the work with publishing apps on "App Store" and "Google Play"
2. Publishing of security and compatibility updates
3. Adding the new features to the app
4. Provide you (and your web-developer) with support in resolving any issues related to the app


  • To publish app on Google Play you need to create a google developer account.
    You can register google developer account here: https://play.google.com/apps/publish/
  • For his purpose you need to have a registered Apple ID account, if you already use Apple products, you may already have it. If you don't have Apple ID yet, then you can create it here:

    After registeration of Apple ID account, you need to start your "App Store" enrollment here:
  • Yes, in order to open Google and Apple developer accounts you will need to pay additional fees. Google requires to pay 1 time fee of 25 USD and Apple requires to pay 99 USD fee yearly.

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